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Del Monte Forest Property Owners

Trail Evaluation Report

The purpose of this form is to notify the DMFPO Hiking & Equestrian Trails Committee of conditions on the DMF trails system needing repair or maintenance.  Please complete the form below and submit it using the "Submit Report" button at the bottom.


(Where is the problem located?)

The name or color of the trail from the DMF Trails Map
Grid Coordinates from the Trails Grid Map.
Descriptive landmarks to help crews locate the problem


Describe the trail condition in the appropriate sections below.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Attach photograph(s) of the condition, if you have them, (Make sure that location services is enabled on your smaprtphone to capture the GPS coordinates)
(Missing/Cleanout, etc.)
(Approximate diameter and height)
(Missin/Down/Broken, ec.)
(Pampas grass, Genesta, Acacia, Ice Plant, etc.)

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